A little over a month ago I had the pleasure of photographing my first school photos. Now, school photos have a bad reputation of always being extremely awful so I came into the experience really wanting to give the parents something they would want to display in their homes. I had no idea how it was going to go but I have to say I LOVED it! I would totally do it again given the opportunity! The kiddos were so sweet and cooperative and I think we got the entire preschool done in only an hour and a half. It was such a great day!
Thank you SO much for stopping by!
Heidi - Well, these are certainly awesome school pictures. Too bad all schools didn’t hire someone like you. Those two little guys with their hands in their pockets with the big smiles…love!
Angela L. - They are all so cuuuuute!
Karyn Lee - These are awesome school pictures! All schools should hire someone like you. How sweet!
Amanda Bergantino - These came out really good! I would be a pleased parent! I love the set so simple and clean!
Rebecca M - So wished my kids school pics looked like these!! Great job!!
Heather - I wish my school photos had looked like this! I really love the ones with apples. Great job.
Carrie P photography - I love the idea of this – especially that you organized it for sibling shots, too! Happy to hear it went so well – these shots are so beautiful, especially in comparison to the type of school photos I have seen.
Angela Kay - These are wonderful school portraits — absolutely right, these are images parents will WANT to hang in their home….
Rena Christine - Lovely work! 🙂
Trudie - Great pics, there sure are some cute kids in that class 🙂
Becky - These are way too cute!!!
megan - Bethney I love these!
Jenny Cordero - Love these!
Mary Lynne - Nice to see such a simple yet pretty background for school images instead of the traditional boring blue background!
Rezika Zurch - adorable- your light is really beautiful here
Analiese - Lovely work!
Katherine Durham - LOVE these!! Not your ordinary school photos and I think the parents will love these!
Lynnea - Those are the best school pictures EVER!
Jane Marie - Too cool! I would LOVE these as a parent! Love your work & your blog. 🙂