Project 365: Week 2 | Central Florida Portrait Photographer

Week two is complete! I still cannot believe I haven’t skipped a day yet. It’s starting to get to the point where I am having to be careful not to be repetitive in my photos. I’m thinking of instituting a theme for each day like “Monday Macro” or “Saturday Selfie”, but I’m not sure I want to put that kind of pressure on myself haha. We will see. Here is week 2:

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I am overly excited that I can braid Finley’s hair now. It looks pretty messy because she doesn’t sit very still for me to do it, but I just love getting to fix her hair every morning.



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We always go grocery shopping on Tuesday mornings. It may be very mundane, but I love these little outings with my girl. I love the feeling of getting food to prepare meals to nourish my family. These little moments are special to me.



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This is my very first selfie…ah! I’m not the most comfortable in front of the camera, so this was a bit out of my comfort zone. (I’m not sure why it’s showing up grainy on here…it’s not on my computer)



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What a special day! This happened to be my birthday and the hubby surprised me with a trip to Ft. Lauderdale to see none other than John and Sherry Petersik from YoungHouseLove. I have been huge fans of theirs for years and it was such a surreal and fun experience. I snapped this as we were leaving the book signing.



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We hung around the house today because sweet girl wasn’t feeling well. This is one of the first times she has been legitimately sick. Good thing it only lasted two days!



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I had a session with this sweetie this evening. She was all smiles!



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My girl taking her weekly Sunday nap in her car seat. I’m sure she’d rather be in her crib, but she doesn’t seem to mind too much 🙂



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